“The UK in 2024 A year of Challenges and Changes?“

VHS Münster Aegidiimarkt 3, Münster, Germany

Edward Goodger will discuss the upcoming year in British politics, including the impending general election that seems set to bring a change in government. He will examine the context of contemporary UK politics, emphasising how long has passed since we were last in a similar situation of such dramatic potential changes, and raising some potential […]


Burns Supper – Anmeldung nicht mehr möglich

2-Löwen Klub Münster Am Kanonengraben 9, Münster, Deutschland

(registration required) Die Kosten betragen 44,- Euro ohne Getränke, aber inklusive Whisky und Wasser. Die Anzahl der Plätze ist stark begrenzt, daher bereits die sehr frühzeitige Planung. Anmeldeschluss: 17.12.2023. Dresscode: natürlich Kilt (notfalls: dunkler Anzug Erst nach Bestätigung ist Ihre Anmeldung erfolgreich! Auch nächstes Jahr feiern wir einen der Höhepunkte im schottischen Kalender: den Geburtstag […]


„Oscar Wilde – Poet, Playwright, Prisoner, Postmodernist“

VHS Münster Aegidiimarkt 3, Münster, Germany

Aaron Eames Despite Oscar Wilde’s prediction before his death in 1900 the British could not stand it if he outlasted the nineteenth century, he has lived on triumphantly well into the twenty-first. His works are continually reissued and adapted, his story is endlessly examined in biography, biopic and scholarship, and he is routinely memorialised and […]
